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Social commentary on Religion, Sports, Entertainment, Education, Politics and the Law
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Please Leave Bill O'Reilly Alone

Apparently, some people are in an uproar because after eating dinner with Al Sharpton at a restaurant in Harlem, Bill O'Reilly said he "couldn't get over the fact" that there was no difference between the black-run Sylvia's and other restaurants.
This is the kind of stuff that gets on my nerves about SOME not ALL black liberals. They are making a big deal out of absolutely nothing. The comments appeared to be innocent. There are far more important things for us to jump on than this.
O'Reilly comments here:
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Are You Serious?
There are all kinds of reasons to boycott BET but this is not one of them. Adrienne Curry, the first winner of America's Next Top Model, posted the following on her myspace blog:
MY Boycott against BET and Black History MonthBecause of my last blog, and all the wonderful feedback I mademe think...This is gonna be hard guys. I LOVE the comedians on BET. I also LOVE the fact that they play my favorite show of all time, In Living Color. However, I do not believe in seperating ANY RACE in America. WE ARE AMERICANS! How dare we have Black History Month! In my eyes, the Native Americans deserve it MUCH more, seeing how we destroyed their ENTIRE SOCIETY. There are hardly any of them left! They also have been proven to have the WORST living conditions on their reservations. I want AN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. One where we learn about EVERY race, ALL OF OUR LEADERS, EVERYONE! I think by having a month dedicated to one race, and not one for any other, is RACIST. Every fund set up to only help people of one race is SICK and RACIST.Yes, I get it. Black people were slaves here once. You know what? That does suck some major balls, however, it is time to move the f*ckon. Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them bitch and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew)Nope, we dont. It's time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc thatcould use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism.I am over this shit. WE ALL CAME FROM ONE BLACK WOMAN FROM AFRICA, THAT is our EVE! It has been proven by science, and I stand by it. If any other race had a chanel dedicated to just them, we would think it was racist. If any other race demanded a month be set aside for ONLY them, they would be considered racist. I am NOT living by this double standard any longer.Think I am racist? I am not. I know what racism is. I dated a guy named"Justin" in Junior high. Nothing serious, but I really liked him. He wasthe blackest of black...BEAUTIFUL skin, kinda like Alex Wek's. He was handsome, and athletic, etc. I was called a nigger lover. But you know what? I was called that by a whole 2 people out of a school with HUNDREDS of students. THAT is why I am NOT buying this racist shit anymore. Let us teach or children that there is NO DIFFERENCE! We are all human. I hope one day aliens land and try to kill us.Maybe THEN we would finally realize that WE are ONE.So, I will no longer tune into BET. This is going to suck, but I do NOTlike the idea of having a chanel for only 1 race. In the year 2007 in a country that is supposed to be the most advanced and equal. This is unexceptable! I will also no longer acknowledge Black History Month. Instead, I will see it the way that Morgan Freeman does (I have the quote at the bottom of my last blog on Obama/jesseJackson, and OJ). AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH! I will read/watch/and learn about ALL the people who made a difference in this country.I am asking you ALL to join me. Black, White, Indian, Asian, Russian,Australian, etc etc.....lets be AMERICANS together! What happened to the African American community was AMERICAN HISTORY, not BLACK HISTORY. If you want to celebrate in a way that excludes others and singles one race out, count me the F*CK out! I am soooo proud to be an American. I am SO proud that I have friends of every race, and none of us see each other as anything but what we are..people. Lets change Black History Month to 2 months of AMERICANHISTORY. We will still learn about all the black leaders and people whomade a difference....just not with the racist name of "Black HistoryMonth". It has to start somewhere. I am going to do my part in making sure we are all treated EQUAL in a country that CLAIMS we are. NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR ANYONE WITH ANYTHING!It will never happen. At least, that is what many of you willsay...FINE! My number one priority here is being able to die and know that I stood up for what I believed in, and that I did not add to the SEPERATION OF AMERICANS!! I love my country, I love the people in it. I love our history, good and bad. We should LEARN from it,not dwell in it and not move forward. That's why I am done with this shit. You are all my brothers and sisters.....even if I think you suck ; ) As Bono said, "One life, with each other..sisters...brothers!"now, have fun burning me at the stake ;
Edited Note:: Opinions are like assholes, everyone...we all have em!Please, respect each other here...listen...even if you dont agree. No namecalling. I have a confession...The topic here (black history month/BET) is not what my message was about..>I just knew it would get a lot more attention if I used it as an example. My message is to BECOME ONE. AMERICANS, celebrate things as such, not label them this or that...Black History month should NOT go away...but it should have it's name changed to AMERICAN HISTORY..and be madeinto a few teach us EVERYTHING about our history...not just focus on one race. Yep, I have a hippie view of the world, and I dont care!! I am not saying to stop celebrating and remebering our history, good or bad. I AGREE that we need to teach MORE on american history concerning what we teach during "black History month". I am not writing this to take away anything from anyone...weneed MORE OF IT, but WITHOUT the race title!!!
What I don't understand is why she thinks we care anything about her or her opinions. We don't give a rip whether she watches BET or not. What she needs to do is read a book and stay off of stripper poles with her less than intelligent self. See what reality TV has done to America? Just dumb.
MY Boycott against BET and Black History MonthBecause of my last blog, and all the wonderful feedback I mademe think...This is gonna be hard guys. I LOVE the comedians on BET. I also LOVE the fact that they play my favorite show of all time, In Living Color. However, I do not believe in seperating ANY RACE in America. WE ARE AMERICANS! How dare we have Black History Month! In my eyes, the Native Americans deserve it MUCH more, seeing how we destroyed their ENTIRE SOCIETY. There are hardly any of them left! They also have been proven to have the WORST living conditions on their reservations. I want AN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. One where we learn about EVERY race, ALL OF OUR LEADERS, EVERYONE! I think by having a month dedicated to one race, and not one for any other, is RACIST. Every fund set up to only help people of one race is SICK and RACIST.Yes, I get it. Black people were slaves here once. You know what? That does suck some major balls, however, it is time to move the f*ckon. Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them bitch and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew)Nope, we dont. It's time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc thatcould use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism.I am over this shit. WE ALL CAME FROM ONE BLACK WOMAN FROM AFRICA, THAT is our EVE! It has been proven by science, and I stand by it. If any other race had a chanel dedicated to just them, we would think it was racist. If any other race demanded a month be set aside for ONLY them, they would be considered racist. I am NOT living by this double standard any longer.Think I am racist? I am not. I know what racism is. I dated a guy named"Justin" in Junior high. Nothing serious, but I really liked him. He wasthe blackest of black...BEAUTIFUL skin, kinda like Alex Wek's. He was handsome, and athletic, etc. I was called a nigger lover. But you know what? I was called that by a whole 2 people out of a school with HUNDREDS of students. THAT is why I am NOT buying this racist shit anymore. Let us teach or children that there is NO DIFFERENCE! We are all human. I hope one day aliens land and try to kill us.Maybe THEN we would finally realize that WE are ONE.So, I will no longer tune into BET. This is going to suck, but I do NOTlike the idea of having a chanel for only 1 race. In the year 2007 in a country that is supposed to be the most advanced and equal. This is unexceptable! I will also no longer acknowledge Black History Month. Instead, I will see it the way that Morgan Freeman does (I have the quote at the bottom of my last blog on Obama/jesseJackson, and OJ). AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH! I will read/watch/and learn about ALL the people who made a difference in this country.I am asking you ALL to join me. Black, White, Indian, Asian, Russian,Australian, etc etc.....lets be AMERICANS together! What happened to the African American community was AMERICAN HISTORY, not BLACK HISTORY. If you want to celebrate in a way that excludes others and singles one race out, count me the F*CK out! I am soooo proud to be an American. I am SO proud that I have friends of every race, and none of us see each other as anything but what we are..people. Lets change Black History Month to 2 months of AMERICANHISTORY. We will still learn about all the black leaders and people whomade a difference....just not with the racist name of "Black HistoryMonth". It has to start somewhere. I am going to do my part in making sure we are all treated EQUAL in a country that CLAIMS we are. NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR ANYONE WITH ANYTHING!It will never happen. At least, that is what many of you willsay...FINE! My number one priority here is being able to die and know that I stood up for what I believed in, and that I did not add to the SEPERATION OF AMERICANS!! I love my country, I love the people in it. I love our history, good and bad. We should LEARN from it,not dwell in it and not move forward. That's why I am done with this shit. You are all my brothers and sisters.....even if I think you suck ; ) As Bono said, "One life, with each other..sisters...brothers!"now, have fun burning me at the stake ;
Edited Note:: Opinions are like assholes, everyone...we all have em!Please, respect each other here...listen...even if you dont agree. No namecalling. I have a confession...The topic here (black history month/BET) is not what my message was about..>I just knew it would get a lot more attention if I used it as an example. My message is to BECOME ONE. AMERICANS, celebrate things as such, not label them this or that...Black History month should NOT go away...but it should have it's name changed to AMERICAN HISTORY..and be madeinto a few teach us EVERYTHING about our history...not just focus on one race. Yep, I have a hippie view of the world, and I dont care!! I am not saying to stop celebrating and remebering our history, good or bad. I AGREE that we need to teach MORE on american history concerning what we teach during "black History month". I am not writing this to take away anything from anyone...weneed MORE OF IT, but WITHOUT the race title!!!
What I don't understand is why she thinks we care anything about her or her opinions. We don't give a rip whether she watches BET or not. What she needs to do is read a book and stay off of stripper poles with her less than intelligent self. See what reality TV has done to America? Just dumb.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Jena 6 Protestors Look Stupid? Oh, Really?
Asserts Politik Ditto, a black conservative Democratic blogger, about yesterday's protest in Lousiana, which attracted at least 10,000 protesters from across America to the Louisiana town of 3,500: "Hanging nooses in a tree is stupid, ignorant and racist, but I don't weigh hanging nooses in a tree on the same scale as beating the crap out of somebody because he allegedly said something some people didn't like. There is no comparison. Certainly the punks responsible for the nooses should be punished (by the school and by their parents). Yet, the now notorious 'Jena 6' clowns (who've all had their charges dropped to battery) savagely beat someone and that's supposed to be OK? Meanwhile, a black girl by the name of Megan Williams still lies in a hospital in West Virginia after recently being held captive for days by 6 white scumbags who allegedly beat, sexually assaulted and stabbed her repeatedly while using racial slurs as they did so. According to Megan's mother (and a criminal complaint filed in Virginia's magistrate court) her daughter was also forced to eat rat and dog feces and drink from a toilet. Since black liberals love to prote[s]t so much wouldn't their street walking and chants be better spent on Megan Williams than the Jena 6? Whether it's OJ Simpson or Tookie Smith or the Black prostitute who falsely cried rape in the Duke lacrosse case or these clowns in Jena, Louisiana, black liberals continue to look like fools protesting to save criminals from the consequences of their actions. And with race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson still at the forefront, the need for new black leadership continues to grow with each passing day."
Shay comments on the above quote:
My response: I dsiagree. The protesters were not stating that it was OK for the Jena 6 to beat up the white boy like they did. They are asking that justice be fairly provided here, as these teens were originally charged with attempted murder. That was outrageous prosecutorial overreach, and I support the Jena 6 protests to highlight this nonsense. My only wish is that we'd see more protests of this scale in the far more numerous instances of black-on-black crime
I completely agree with Shay.
Shay comments on the above quote:
My response: I dsiagree. The protesters were not stating that it was OK for the Jena 6 to beat up the white boy like they did. They are asking that justice be fairly provided here, as these teens were originally charged with attempted murder. That was outrageous prosecutorial overreach, and I support the Jena 6 protests to highlight this nonsense. My only wish is that we'd see more protests of this scale in the far more numerous instances of black-on-black crime
I completely agree with Shay.
Booker Rising Quote of the Day
Shay from Booker Rising posted this "Quote of the Day"
"The top four Republican presidential candidates are in hot water with black and Hispanic voters (well, at least with the people who claim to speak for all of them; myself included)....I’m sure they are [interested in addressing issues of concern to blacks], but not on the terms defined by Smiley — where all the debate panelists are on the left, and most of the questioning will be based on 'The Covenant With Black America', a statement defined by its backers to be 'a national plan of action to address the primary concerns of African Americans today — from health to housing, from crime to criminal justice, from education to economic parity.' I’ve read the CWBA when it was announced last year, and most of it consists of proposals and goals based on leftist, collectivist thought. Most of the answers that would be forthcoming from GOP candidates (attendees and no-shows alike) would run counter to what CWBA is demanding, as conservative solutions are mostly rooted in individualism, and not collectivism. However, I agree with Newt Gingrich, Michael Steele, and others who expressed grave disappointment at the top tier candidates declining to attend. Whether they had legitimate scheduling conflicts or just simply felt that participating in a heavily biased, agenda-driven forum would be a waste of their time is already being discussed, debated, or maligned by pundits everywhere. Just as I took black Republican no-shows to the 2006 State of the Black Union (another CWBA themed event) to task, I’m doing the same for the Top 4 — especially Fred Thompson, whom I support for the presidential nomination: Show up anyway. Yes, you’re damned if you do (and of course damned if you don’t), but you’ll earn a lot more respect from those who may not necessarily agree with you. Some may even open their minds and consider your plans and proposals for the future. And just maybe some of those who consider your arguments may come over to your side, lend you their support, and even cast a vote for you. Well, at [least] such sincere efforts convinced me a few years ago. I exhort the Top 4 (especially Thompson) with the following from last year: Hold your head high, present your case, and take the high road. If you’re drowned out by ad hominem attacks and epithets masquerading as 'civil dialogue', then shame on Tavis (and double-shame on the 'open-minded', 'tolerant', and 'peace-loving' left-wing intellectuals). Don’t back down — and don’t get intimidated by the haters. For the sake of political diversity among blacks, browns, and for all Americans who make up our republic, step up and represent." — D.C. Thornton, black libertarian blogger
"The top four Republican presidential candidates are in hot water with black and Hispanic voters (well, at least with the people who claim to speak for all of them; myself included)....I’m sure they are [interested in addressing issues of concern to blacks], but not on the terms defined by Smiley — where all the debate panelists are on the left, and most of the questioning will be based on 'The Covenant With Black America', a statement defined by its backers to be 'a national plan of action to address the primary concerns of African Americans today — from health to housing, from crime to criminal justice, from education to economic parity.' I’ve read the CWBA when it was announced last year, and most of it consists of proposals and goals based on leftist, collectivist thought. Most of the answers that would be forthcoming from GOP candidates (attendees and no-shows alike) would run counter to what CWBA is demanding, as conservative solutions are mostly rooted in individualism, and not collectivism. However, I agree with Newt Gingrich, Michael Steele, and others who expressed grave disappointment at the top tier candidates declining to attend. Whether they had legitimate scheduling conflicts or just simply felt that participating in a heavily biased, agenda-driven forum would be a waste of their time is already being discussed, debated, or maligned by pundits everywhere. Just as I took black Republican no-shows to the 2006 State of the Black Union (another CWBA themed event) to task, I’m doing the same for the Top 4 — especially Fred Thompson, whom I support for the presidential nomination: Show up anyway. Yes, you’re damned if you do (and of course damned if you don’t), but you’ll earn a lot more respect from those who may not necessarily agree with you. Some may even open their minds and consider your plans and proposals for the future. And just maybe some of those who consider your arguments may come over to your side, lend you their support, and even cast a vote for you. Well, at [least] such sincere efforts convinced me a few years ago. I exhort the Top 4 (especially Thompson) with the following from last year: Hold your head high, present your case, and take the high road. If you’re drowned out by ad hominem attacks and epithets masquerading as 'civil dialogue', then shame on Tavis (and double-shame on the 'open-minded', 'tolerant', and 'peace-loving' left-wing intellectuals). Don’t back down — and don’t get intimidated by the haters. For the sake of political diversity among blacks, browns, and for all Americans who make up our republic, step up and represent." — D.C. Thornton, black libertarian blogger
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Are We Being Ignored by Our Party?
By our party, I mean the Republican Party. In an article on Black America Web, Michael H. Cottman writes:
"Several black Democrats said Monday it is unfortunate -- but not surprising -- that three Republican frontrunners have dropped out of next week’s presidential debate at Morgan State University to discuss issues that impact people of color.
Arizona Sen. John McCain, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney have all declined to participate in the debate at the historically black college in Baltimore.
The debate, scheduled to air live on PBS Thursday, Sept. 27, will be moderated by talk show host and "Tom Joyner Morning Show" contributor Tavis Smiley. "
Read the rest for yourself:
I'm not even trippin' off of this article though because I don't care if any of them show up. I don't like any of the Republican nominees and they are not going to win. Obama is more conservative than all of them so it looks like this Republican is switchin' out this time around.
Republicans are going to have to learn that they can not win without Black and Brown voters. Democrats have got to learn that without God, they can do nothing. Period.
"Several black Democrats said Monday it is unfortunate -- but not surprising -- that three Republican frontrunners have dropped out of next week’s presidential debate at Morgan State University to discuss issues that impact people of color.
Arizona Sen. John McCain, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney have all declined to participate in the debate at the historically black college in Baltimore.
The debate, scheduled to air live on PBS Thursday, Sept. 27, will be moderated by talk show host and "Tom Joyner Morning Show" contributor Tavis Smiley. "
Read the rest for yourself:
I'm not even trippin' off of this article though because I don't care if any of them show up. I don't like any of the Republican nominees and they are not going to win. Obama is more conservative than all of them so it looks like this Republican is switchin' out this time around.
Republicans are going to have to learn that they can not win without Black and Brown voters. Democrats have got to learn that without God, they can do nothing. Period.
Jena 6 Rally
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Juanita Bynum on Tom Joyner
Prophetess Bynum was interviewed on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Interesting. That's all I will say for now.
Listen here:
Listen here:
Black Woman Kidnapped, Raped, and Tortured
A black woman was kidnapped, raped, tortured, forced to eat feces and drink from a toilet. Now I'm pissed. Why haven't I heard about this as much as I heard about Michael Vick and those damn dogs? Yeah, I said with it. Why isn't this being talked about every hour on the hour? Just another example of the hypocrisy of our democracy. Shame on them.
The climate of the country is changing. We are seeing some things happen to black people that we thought would never happen again. From Genarlow Wilson to this mess right here something has got to give.
The climate of the country is changing. We are seeing some things happen to black people that we thought would never happen again. From Genarlow Wilson to this mess right here something has got to give.
One reader has sent me a link to an online petition. Check it out and make your voice heard.
There are many others who have petitions as well. I know Mos Def has a petition and is organizing as well. If you're planning on going to the protest then please be careful and do pray. I have a bad feeling. Those who know how to pray, please do.
Click this link
There are many others who have petitions as well. I know Mos Def has a petition and is organizing as well. If you're planning on going to the protest then please be careful and do pray. I have a bad feeling. Those who know how to pray, please do.
Click this link
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jena 6 Update

You know, I thought I was through having to be militant. This mess is about to make me get my X tee-shirts back out.
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