In My Life Time
I screamed to the top of my lungs, then I clutched my stomach and wailed like a woman in travail. I was not overcome by grief due to tragedy. I was overcome by joy and amazement. Barack Obama has clinched the nomination even though Hillary won't concede. While the tears of joy rolled down my face, I began to chant over and over, "In my life time..." A Black man may be President in my life time.
I was not a Barrack supporter. I wanted Hillary to win. But when I read that he was projected to win the nomination something in me leaped. In my mind, I went back to the sixth grade when I attended an almost all white "Christian" school. I had a crush on one of my white class mates and when the principal heard the news, she told me that God did not approve of interracial dating and marriage. From that day forward something in me died. I began to hate white people. But at the same time, though I could not articulate it, I also developed a complex about myself and my people. I rejected my principal's ignorance but I accepted it at the same time. I felt that I and those who looked like me were less than white people. I believed that they were all powerful and would always be more powerful than me. It made me angry and for years I struggled with a strong belief in myself along with a feeling of never being good enough.
But tonight, as I watch Obama address his supporters I believe that someone who looks like me may become the most powerful man in the world. I'm still a Republican but I'm also still Black. It can happen in my life time. And because that can happen in my life time, I believe that I can do all things. I believe.
Note: I will be on hiatus for a few weeks but I'll be back in August. I'm back on the grind for a while.