Lawd, Lawd, Lawd. What in the world has Mike Vick gotten himself into? This issue has been and will be talked to death. I write to address the suggestion that the motivation for pursuing this prosecution is racial. Perhaps . And if it is, shame on the powers that be. I mean, doesn't the federal government have better things to do? The fact is that many decisions to prosecute cases have a racial motivation. Similarly situated whites are not always prosecuted for committing crimes that black people commit and are prosecuted for. I used to play that game in high school and even on jobs. When I would be reprimanded or disciplined for "getting out of line" I would point to what the other people did. You know what the response was. "We're not talking about them. We're talking about you." I learned early on that I was being judged on different standards. So I was determined to be better and if people were going to hang me out to dry they were going to have to lie on me.
The fact is, IF Mike was involved in this, the motivation behind the prosecution is neither here nor there. Since we know that there are people who still want to lynch black men, we ought not to give them the rope to hang us with. We shouldn't do the wrong thing and then cry racism when we are punished for it. We've got to do better and be better and that has always made us better.
Dang, Mike. Real talk, I'm praying for you. I pray that you come out of this better than alright. Love you, bro.
this looks like you just started blogging, so let me be the FIRST to welcome you to the blogosphere.
and then i gotta THANK YOU for linking to my site!
i'll add you to the Blogroll on plezWorld, so that i can remember to visit your site on a regular basis. THANKS AGAIN!
Thanks, Plez! Yes, I am new and I'm trying to learn how to do this. I'm not as technologically savvy as some of these younger folks but I'm learning.
thanks for adding me to your blogroll and as soon as I learn how to do it I'll add you to mine.
I enjoy your blog very much.
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