After two years and two appearances in the Class 1A state championship game, Casey Weldon is no longer the head coach at North Florida Christian.
Casey was notified today that he will not be back in 2008.
How in the world does a coach with a 23-5 record, lead a football team to the State Championship for two years in a row and get fired? I'll tell you how, read this former post. Apparently, Casey refused to kiss the pastor's behind so he had to go. I told you some of these pastors think they are God Himself. It makes me sick.
Casey is a Seminole and when you mess with him you mess with Seminole Nation. I was contemplating sending my son to NFC. No way in the world would I send him now...unless they hired Shaun King as a head coach...NOT
The leadership at NFC is a bunch of jerks. I hope they lose every game they play next year...talkin' about it was God's will. Some of these folks are gonna bust hell wide open lying on God.
Casey, God bless you, baby. Everything happens for a reason and what was meant for your evil will turn for your great good. Watch.
The reason Casey was fired is because Cokely wanted to come back?????
Well, according to the pastor, Cokely coming back was incidental to Casey's firing, not the cause of it. Personally, from what I've heard, I think they fired him because he would not "submit" to the leadership. In other words, he wouldn't bow down and worship them.
Hmmmm nf dc....that sheds some light on the situation. Thanks for your comment.
Upon Further reflection I would like for you to take down my comment. That is up to you though. I know Casey, Lori, her brother Kip and sister Missy and her and his folks. There is some chance people don't know about these things. Please take down my comment, there is no need for it to be out there for his kids to see. If you would like to discuss it further in private post it here on your blog and I will contact you, but please take my comment down. There is no need to slam someone who has made a change in their life. I do stand by everything I said but I hope you keep this comment to yourself and take down my prior comment.
Thank you,
I will check bakc for your reply.
NF DC...wow. I'm really touched. Thank you for such a Christian response. I posted the comment because I thought it was only fair for me to post all sides of the issue as long as no one is disrespectful. You know, I was just thinking about Casey today. I don't know everything though I've heard rumors. The one thing I do know is that we have all sinned and come short. I thank God for mercy and grace.
Email me at sherraye@gmail.com if you'd like to discuss it further.
thank you for honoring my request.
I appreciate it.
I have a hard time believing the Church. I am a Christian and devoted to Christ our Lord. I know North Christian needs to change its name to North Satan. God knows the lies that swell the floor of that Church and School. God help them all.
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