By Brandon Brice
My fellow Republicans, Independents and Democrats, we are witnessing in the Republican Party a severe identity crisis. Conflicts exist amongst moderate and conservative members of the party, and a lingering stereotype of Republicans only caring about the almighty dollar. There are stigmas of greed, corruption and lack of compassion for everyday hard working Americans. Throughout the election as I interviewed New Yorkers on the streets of Harlem on 125th, the common theme and description was that a typical Republican is typically old, white, wealthy and believing in a free market system, only for personal gain. As we witnessed in the 2008 election, the Democrats have now taken control of the White House, and previously in 2006 have taken control of the House and Senate, which should be a warning to the future of this party.
First, I believe in the original ideals of the Republican Party, or what was once the “Grand Ole Party,” which is less government, a strong military, equal opportunity, an emphasis on self sustainability and a concentration on family values. What we must wake up and realize is that the issues of yesterday are but a mere dream. For this party to survive we have to accept and adapt to the issues of today. The Grand Ole Party is just that, it’s old and outdated. The Republican Party must face the realization that America is changing, as we witnessed with the election of our first African-American President, President Elect Barack H. Obama.
As I watched the cheers and praises in the streets of Harlem on election night, it dawned on me that we are in a severe identity crisis as a political party. The Republican Party’s leadership, whether it be in the White House, in the House, or in the Senate must reflect and look like the rest of the United States of America.
The Grand New Party, which has been created out of the absence of the Grand Old Party, which frankly has died as of Nov. 4th, 2008 should be a party that believes in equal opportunity, shows compassion for its citizens and believes in a responsible approach towards utilizing our armed forces. As a party we must spread the message of equal opportunity and small business investment in our inner cities, where much of the Republican Party has abandoned. Ultimately, we need to restore the history and grandeur of the Party, by once again gaining the respect of the American people, and opening up to a new diverse form of leadership for the party’s future.
I am a Republican because I believe in a prosperous capitalist system, but I believe in a system that is accountable for its actions as well. The Grand New Party’s issues should be that of integrity, accountability and equal opportunity for all. This “Grand New Party” should target issues such as high taxes, guaranteeing that hardworking Americans receive the bulk of their check. There must be a focus on fiscal responsibility and governance in Washington. The Party should lead in creating a health care system that ensures the best in quality and access for all Americans. Finally, Republicans must support an education system that puts the child first and not unions. This is the start of a new Republican Party moving forward, “The Grand New Party”.
My response:
I like the sound of that but the question is, will it happen? You know, I've been toying with the idea of changing parties again because I am highly disappointed with the Republican Party. And, you know, Bush is not popular but he had a lot to do with why I became a Republican. I bought into his message of being "Compassionately Conservative." That was something the Republicans, in my opinion, did not have. They touted all of these moral ideals but they were so mean spirited. In fact, the message was dead on but it was delivered with such a nasty attitude that I couldn't support it.
I don't know what I am going to do but I do know that I am ready to go to work to keep the momentum of CHANGE going.
Check Brandon out at hiphoprepublican.com
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