On July 26, 2013, Devon Walker along with his wife Tiffany decided to go out to eat with two white female friends. They decided to go to O’Riley’s, an Irish Pub in Pensacola, Florida, that serves a mixed racial crowd but the crowd is predominately white. While there, a young white man began to flirt with one of the white female friends. Meanwhile, two men get into a physical altercation and are thrown out of the Pub. After the two men are thrown out, their respective girlfriend’s get into an altercation as well, presumably because of what ever conflict their respective boyfriend’s were involved in.
The young white guy who is flirting with Devon and Tiffany’s white friend, decides to play peacemaker and attempts to intervene in the altercation with the two girlfriends. When this happened, security put the girlfriends and the young white man out of the Pub thinking that he was involved with the fight instead of trying to break it up.
Eventually, everyone decided it was best to leave. The young white man, however, wanted an opportunity to continue flirting with Devon and Tiffany’s friend so he invited the two white ladies to his trailer. Understandably, the young ladies were not comfortable going to his house by themselves and said that they would not go unless Devon and Tiffany could come as well. He agreed.
After the entire party got back to the house, the younger white man gets drunk and begins to use racial slurs. Tiffany told Devon she wanted to leave. At this point, the younger white man realizes that the young ladies would leave as well. In a drunken stupor, he yells at them that if they leave he will call the police and say that Devon robbed him.
The older white man tells the younger white man to go back in the house. The older man stayed outside and continued talking to Devon, trying to apologize. The younger man, however, went in the house and called the police as promised. While Devon, Tiffany and the two young ladies are outside talking to the older white man, the police arrive.
At this point, the younger white man comes out the house yelling, “This nigger tried to rob me! This nigger tried to rob me!”
The “officers” sent everybody except Devon and Tiffany away. They told the two men to go back in their house and they told the two young ladies to leave. Once they were left alone with Devon and Tiffany, the two officers savagely and brutally beat Devon as his wife watched in utter horror. She did, however, manage to record a portion of the beating with her cell phone.
Devon was taken to the hospital and no charges were filed at that time. Only after 12 days passed and a social media campaign had been launched did the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department decide to arrest him.
Now, ECSO claims that Devon Walker’s injuries were minor and caused by the alleged physical altercation in the trailer park. If that is so, how do they explain this picture which is NOT photoshopped:
And if Devon received these injuries from the alleged trailer park altercation, then why were the two men not arrested?
If Devon injured the two men, where are the pictures of their injuries and why did it take ECSO twelve days to arrest him?
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office must think we are stupid.
Realizing that Pensacola, Florida, is about to become the next Sanford, Florida, they have taken a preemptive strike and issued press release full of blatant lies. Included in their press release, was this picture:
which is a hundred years old. The picture that should have been used was the more recent picture at the time of his booking:
Of course, if they had used this picture, we would be able to see that his injuries still have not healed.
Somebody is lying and I’m the lie detector. “For there is nothing hidden which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad.” Mark 4:22.
There will be no cover up in Escambia County.
Read one of the four versions of the incident report here.
so wrong i ride with yall
I hope the Walker's have given the cell phone that was used to document the beating to their attorney.
Scam County
Racism still exist and we are still prisoner's.. sad
Excellent reporting! Who was the source of the story?
If this story is true tell them to choose wisely on their attorney being that this is a good ole boy county all the way around..also, if she hasn't tell her to save the video in a few places because it will majicaclly come up missing..#dirty south
Has anyone notice we living in modern day slavery? Everybody better stand up and stand fast bcuase when Obama is ou tof office it pretty much over for us.. Took us from our home land to this bull
Post the video if the beating then if it really happened. Common sense. In my opinion this is just a bunch of ghetto hoodlums trying to get rich. Im black by the way.
They also posted a driver's license picture before posting the mugshot
Racism exists on both sides. No one is a prisoner or slave anymore. No one.
All people at one time or another were slaves it is not unique to one people. Yet people keep bringing it up and stirring ill feelings.
We should all stop this nonsense and get on with living and this fighting.I really hate racism, it should be.
Damn shame, and scary!
Slavery DOES exist in America to this day, it's just a NEW SLAVERY. And NO, not ALL people were slaves. The darker races have been subjugated since the beginning or recorded history. Instead of chains in a field, there are chains of the prison system, unlivable wages, a duality in law enforcement and a WHITE society who REFUSES to see how Racist they truly are. And as for the BLACK person who says it's "GHETTO HOODLUMS", you are a perfect example of the influence of white society...never entertaining the idea that the BLACK person might not AUTOMATICALLY be guilty. You're worse than the BIGGEST racist because you abandon your own.
Racism exists all over, not just in America. Some people really need to brush up on their history when throwing around comments about "taking them from their homeland to this bullshit" SMH!
All i wanna say is they dont really care about us ( In my Michael Jackson voice )!!!!
All i wanna say is they dont really care about us ( In my Michael Jackson voice )!!!!
I am a firm believer in equality for all, always have although I realize that the only racial, gender or any other inequality lives on in our society. This is due to the individual and the true values they have set and allowed to exist within themselves as human-beings. Having understanding of humanity is only able to be felt, displayed and practiced within ones life if one realizes all things in life are Gods gift, not to be abused but to be loved and cared for... it is our choice as to how we will stand and account for the way we deal and treat his creation... every knee will bend, everyone will account for his own deeds, no one will escape his actions... either for good or evil, they are seen, remembered and an accounting will be rendered accordingly no matter who is in the wrong. Choose how you walk in life wisely!
They need to get a lawyer out of town not in Pensacola. Never get an attorney in the town, city or state that you have trouble in.
to the Black couple stay away from them you know the out come of any situation with them, its a repeat pattern over and over again, surprise the black female went along with this in the first place, but the black male always does when something comes to white females, think and do not be stupid!
What does being black have to do with your ignorance. I'm sure black men decide to get beat up by the police all the time in some twisted get rich quick schemes...
I hate this has happen again and to Devin and his family and may god be with them through the fite they are going to go through god bless
That's my question as well! Lol
I agree post the video if it's so true!
Post the video that the wife has!
I feel so bad for this man its not fare thtat racism is still around,Im white and it makes me sick how some white people are to the point of embarrassment the N word should be banned even in rap music and for the police departments in America should go thru a mental eval before hiring these racist back wood fucks ..They are hired to protect and serve and that means everyone no matter what race!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another incredible injustice...
brings me back to these words by MLK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rO2yPmhlS0&list=TLWrYfVEKlGYY
So what happened to the guy that made the false accusations and the older White guy that was supposedly the sensible one? Was he really trying to apologize to Devon & his wife or was he actually just stalling them until the police got there?! Also, what about testimony from the 2 White girls they were with? Did they not speak up on behalf of their friend? After all, didn't they witness the punter White guy threaten to call the police and make the false accusation against Devon if they left? Also, Devon's wife should've started recording when the guy initially made the threat to call the police and give a false statement!
im a shaved head very tattooed white male so i always get the oh hes a raciest looks and comments thrown at me and i hate it. it our world we all share it racial bullshit needs to stop. we are all one people and if we could see that and work together instead of fighting this world would be a great place. i hate reading about incidents like this that didnt need to happen, or trayvon (sorry if spelled wrong). that bastard that shot him is so guilty and wasnt needed. we need to grow up and get over all our differences before its to late for us all
I have family in Florida and I love hem dearly and they know that but, with that being said I would never live in Florida. I'm mixed white and black and other colors lol. In Florida I stay dark because of the sun. So not saying it would or wouldn't happen to me but you never know. Just the thought makes me scared. I have a little brother that is darker than me that has never meet that side of the family but, I would be worried to take him out there let alone move back out there. Florida is has had huge issues with racism and it still does. The stories we are hearing about today Trayron Martin RIP, Devon Walker, Roy Middleton, Jordan Davis RIP. None of them had a gun or any weapons but they 2 are died and 2 have serious injuries that requires hospital attention. THINGS NEED TO CHANGE. BEFORE WE LOSE MORE BROTHER, COUSINS, NEPHEWS, DAD'S, SON!
Its the south! Our nation is still transforming, healing, being delivered from its past. We must look to the God that knows ours hearts and minds; and trust that "sin" will not have its reign in our everyday lives. That the blood of the lamb shall cleanse us from all guiltiness sin period! Our hearts must be built upon this kind of love. The love for one another under God through Jesus." There is no other way for mens hearts to he made right than for a man to know he cannot do it himself. He must trust and believe outside and higher than himself. Mens corrupt souls is the culprit here where we find injustice!
This is a shame, but God will reign over the unjust, the liars, and the evil-doers!!! Revenge is the Lords, HE WILL REPAY!!!
I feel your pain, I live in a good ole boy State Ohio
Its all fake! I read the police reports, and statements from all parties. Really?? get over it! Stop dwelling in the past and move forward! Get ur facts straight. I'm reporting this site an I hope they shut u down soon! Your stirring the pot for a racial war. For no reason. Keep ur hate and self pitty to urself.
and they really expect us to believe racism doesn't play a part in these crimes WHATEVER! we must seek justice for our young black men!
This behavior by ECSD is uncalled for also I hear Black & White alike say the Cops didn't do it & The Young Man was jumped because He had a Gun but Law Enforcement have been beating Blacks up for a long time & killing Blacks so all of the Nay sayers Do You really the Police is gonna tell the truth Racsim is not Dead it's just hidden Very Well Please Know the People You are defending be honest you know the Cops are reading this just like we are they are having Friends & Family Help Them Cover Up This Mess so beware & watch Yourselves
I don't know what happened to this young man but I will say this...I am tired of people using excessive force then making out to be the victim. I must say only in America. All these black men being murdered or beaten is out of hand and Florida need to stop before no one comes here to visit with their families and bring revenue to our state because they fear for their lives. Why do we need a stand your ground law? Where in this country is it against the law to defend yourself. Now,because of the wording used in the law people are getting away with murder and people that are defending themselves against a pattern of abuse are going to jail even when no one was hurt or murdered... I am not a lawyer or politician but something about this law smells fishy. I say this mess need to be cleaned up and you start from top firing people...Use your votes wisely...
This is bullcrap! This so wrong.
Escambia county ain't shit they wrong fa that it still got me hot today ftp frfr
Amen shaved head tattoo white man, i agree with you on that!
Vensky x Everyday >>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsWj75dp5d0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
I also believe whites want it how it was, and it seems closer to that now, than it was 10 or 20 years ago. Be careful around them. They are not your friends. I know them well.
When i moved to FLorida i somehow thought it would be palm trees beaches and opportunity, but living here in this "Pan Handle" I realized how behind and closed minded this area is, I was shocked when i heard the term Red Neck Riveria. and trust me from P-Cola to Talahassee this area is like a modern day slave colony!
this is surely racism and it need to be stopped we need to have a protest to see what they will do about it
Florida again, this place and teh rest of the South needs to be nuked
The real story can so easily be verified! Its easy to find out if that bar had a fight that night and them being there! But the key is the two whites girls, what will they do? They are the ones who can turn this upside!
what does it matter?! Rodney King beating videotaped did it help him? Racism will never die. We (blacks& whites ) will never live in harmony. Nothing has or will EVER change. SMH 2013 still feels like the 1950's 1960's etc..
if u really believe this u need to open ur eyes..It is nothing but racism and the ones like u who like to deny it isn't aren't the ones affected by it. if I never got stopped by a cop for no reason or never followed home or in stores never found guilty until proven innocent I'd think the same way..until you have walked in a person of colors shoes u have no idea..
Ok here is what bothers me: why do the reports have to indicate race?? The young WHITE male, the two WHITE female friends...it shouldn't matter what race anyone was but not one post on ANY social media site I've followed this story on makes mention of that. What was done to Mr. Walker was wrong and the report is fishy enough to stand on its own. I think it is wrong to push the agenda that this is a racial crime. What about the couple whose two dogs were shot and killed by police in the own home......while the couple was sleeping???!!! Guess what? They were white.
Who cares about a dog? Are you really comparing the life of a human being to a dog? Bump them dogs.
And furthermore, Pretty Tarafying, I identified the people as white because they are and also because I don't know their names. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
sad to see this when the world is becommng amalgamated,some of us are stuck in the past,partly because who sits in the white house.
sad to see this when the world is becoming more amalgamated everyday,those who resist progress will luzzz.
Sit yalls ass down somewhere!!!
No matter if tha guy was black,white,yellow,brown or blue an got beat like that,whomever beat him like that needs to be punished no matter if it were a cop or not!!!!
An yes racisim is still around an will always be around,whether in alaska or louisiana.
An what it boils down to is IGNORANCE!!
An btw my son has been arrested an returned home with bruises as well, an guess what ??? hes "WHITE" holy hell....
Your exactly right about this....
^I agree with you
Well its noting new its been going on.its just time for it to be seen and heard .sorry for that young man,but its time
Way to stir the racial pot there sista! You let obvious African-American people post using the N word but that only helps further the image in the minds of racist people. All color aside this shouldn't have happened if what you wrote is true and not second hand. The dog being mentioned only highlighted the CRAZY NAZI Sherriffs department that is ECSO. No one compared the man who got beat to a dog. You wrote a blog......where did you get your story/info?? Did you interview the victims?? If they have video then let it come out!! Not saying the Sherriffs did anything right.
No. I didn't interview anybody. I just made all this whole thing up from my vivid imagination.
Do u have a FB I'm with u on this all the way an I have been blasting it! Tryna get Michale Basiden to join he has a voice that people will listen to lmk
See wen these people get tha nuts ta start killin cops then they will realize that they cant keep messin ova people.. reason rite now very few hav respect fa cops.. to many dirty n the city will fire bk..I cn do Florida myself..
Crazy Love, my FB page is Sista Shay
All I'm saying cops should be riding around in fear everyday not knowing, but instead we continue to let it happen!!!
Im trying to figure that out myself it terrible and foolish.They sound like they try to fit in with that society and you can't.
We know this man personally, He has a slick mouth and a bad I'm better than you attitude. RACISM had NOTHING to do with what happened. He was partying and ran is mouth because he was asked if he had picked up a cell phone. He pulled a gun and left the house. HE came back and assaulted the "white" guy and got that slick mouth busted! Later found out the police camera was unavailable and of course tried to get something for nothing. He assaults a "white" man and he's the victim of racist police brutality. Like the majority no need to take responsibility of your actions you have a chump card. He got that head busted but not by the police. The junkies he deals with everyday, their ways are wearing off on him. Lying on the police in your town makes you cross your fingers and pray you will never need THIER help.
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