Monday, June 19, 2017

Let Us Make Man

Let Us Make Man

Yesterday was Father’s Day. Usually around this time of year I make enough women so mad that at least 5 of them delete me as their Facebook friend.  Of course, I don’t care.  This year, however, I decided to take a softer approach.  I decided to remember what it was like for me before I had my epiphany.  Before I stopped feeling like a victim of my circumstances and accepted the fact that I was being chastened by my choices.  You see, I chose to have sex with someone that I was not married to.  I chose to marry a man who God did not tell me to marry.  That was on me.  Nobody forced me into bed and I didn’t say I do at gun point.  I was responsible for my own life.  Now that doesn’t exonerate the men I had children with from their responsibility.  It just means that they have to answer to God for them and I have to answer for me.

That was freeing.  Because you see, if it was my choices that got me in the mess I was in, then it would be my choices that would get me out.  I had the power to CHOOSE!  I chose to be the best mother I could be and give my children the best life I could give them with or without the assistance of their fathers.  And I did that.

So now, I have very little patience for women who male bash.  It is nonsensical to me for women to sleep with men with whom they have no commitment from and then act surprised when he shirks his responsibility.  What did you think he would do?  He already has three other kids that he isn’t taking care of.  Why do you think your kitty is so special that he will treat you and your child any differently than the women before you?   You knew about his past, you gave him some anyway.  Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.  Deal with it.

 But, Sista Shay, I love him!  To that I respond, “So.  You’ll love another.”  However, if you choose to stay connected to this man whether he is your “baby daddy” (I hate that term) or your wayward husband, nagging him and talking about him like a dog is not going to make him better.  It’s just going to make you bitter.

As a woman, I understand the frustration of single mothers.  Something is wrong with some of these men.  They lie.   They cheat.  They play games.  They are lazy.  They are non-productive.  They are crazy and they are driving us crazy too. But I believe I have a Word for you today and I believe that through prayer and studying God's Word I have the answer to what is wrong with our "trifling" men.

Before I go further, I want to ask you a question about the man you are so in love with or were so in love with.  Did God present that man to you or did the devil do it?  This is important.  I didn’t seek God in my first marriage but I did have a feeling in my spirit that I was making the wrong decision.  I have since re-married and I BATHED that decision in prayer.  Without doubt, I know that God presented my husband to me and presented me to my husband.  I use the term “presented” because I do not believe that God puts people together.  I believe that he makes presentations and you have the right to choose whether you want to pursue the presentation or not.  I’ll deal with that at another time, but for the purposes of this message, I want to make it clear that if you enter into covenant with anyone that God has not presented to you, you’re asking for trouble.  And honestly, even though I know God presented myself and my husband to each other, we have definitely not been without our challenges to say the least.  However, we said yes to God and yes to each other, therefore, I have made the decision to stand on the Word God spoke over us unless and until He speaks another one.  And I really don’t care what anyone has to say about it either, but I digress.

In the book of Exodus, Chapter 1, verse 22, we read that Pharaoh, the king of Egypt issued a decree against the people he held in bondage, the Israelites or the Jews.  Pharaoh charged his people saying, "Every son that is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive."  In other words, Pharaoh said, "Every male who will eventually become a man must die."  Speak Holy Ghost.

The spirit of Pharaoh is alive and well today.  And that spirit has issued a decree that every man must die.  That devil wants to kill our men.  He wants to kill them economically, intellectually, spiritually...he wants them graveyard dead.  And that's why we have community crime, drug usage and drug dealing, drive by shootings and outright ignorance.  That spirit wants to kill our men because it knows that if it kills the protector, the progenitor of life, the head of the family, then the woman will automatically fall prey.  If you kill the man, you have access to his woman.

And so, assassins have been sent out to destroy our fathers, our husbands, our sons, our brothers.  And we are left alone to fight the oppressor by ourselves.  We are left alone to raise our children.  To pay our bills. To take care of ourselves.  Now we are "Independent Women."  Yeah.  Independent and lonely.  Independent and bitter.  Independent and tired, depressed, mad, sad, suicidal, schizophrenic, bipolar...

But in Chapter 2, we read where Levi's wife conceived and gave birth to a son.  And the Bible says that she looked on him and saw that he was a "goodly child."  In other words, there was something special about him.  So because she didn't want her son to be thrown into the river to his death she hid him.  But eventually, he grew too big to hide so she built an ark and she sealed it with asphalt and tar and she put the baby in it and she placed him in the river.

Now the point I want you to grasp here is that the river is what she wanted to save him from but eventually she had to place him in that same river to save his life.  Only now, he was going in with protection.

I write to tell you that some of you have looked on your sons and you know that there is something special about him.  You've fallen in love with a man because you see greatness in him.  But they have issues that have grown too large for you to handle. You can't love him enough.  You can't cook enough dinner.  You can't give him enough sex to make him walk in the place he is ordained to walk.   Your man must submit to God.  Your son, no matter how much you try to teach him the right way to go, is making all the wrong decisions.

My advice to you is put them in the river.
Release them to God.
Let them go.

But when you do, don't put them out there without any protection.  Cover them with the blood of Jesus.  Pray a hedge of protection around them.   And while they are in the river, you cry out to God on their behalf.  Go down on your knees and pray.  Intercede.  Fast.  Wage war against the spirit of Pharaoh and tell him, "You can't have my man."

Grab that man up in the womb of your spirit and feed his spirit with the words you pray and prophesy over him.  Make that man with your mouth because whatever you say he is, is what he will be.  Say that he is the head and not the tail.  Say that he is healthy, wealthy and wise.  Say that the wisdom of Solomon is upon him.  Say that he is faithful.  Say that he is the human image of God himself.

Then wait.

Wait on your words to manifest.  Wait on God to fix him.  Wait on God to deliver him. Wait on God to make him into the man he was created to be.  And while God is working on him, let God work on you too.  Let Him heal you, let him mend your broken heart and your broken spirit.  Let Him help you to be a better woman.  Because the truth of the matter is, we women... we are crazy too.  You have power in your mouth.  You have the power to choose.  Choose to make that man, not break him.
His healing is your healing too.

Til next time...

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