Monday, August 27, 2007

Praise Jesus! Vick Has Found God!

I don't say that facetiously either. I've been praying for Vick like he is my blood brother. I can only imagine what he may be going through. And I know he was wrong and I know that he broke the law. I just don't think his entire career should be over because of what he did.

But now, you all mark my words. He'll be back and he'll be better.

I'm still a Michael Vick fan.

The Devil Made Him Do It

Okay. Listen. I'm not going to disrespect Thomas Weeks, III. All Imma say is folks have got to stop blaming "Satan" for their bad behavior.

Read about it here

"One day a man was walking down the street and he saw Satan on the side walk crying. Concerned, he asked the devil what was wrong. Satan sobbed uncontrollably. Finally, after the man repeatedly asked him what was the matter Satan replied, 'Those people...Those people...They blame me for everything.' He was pointing to the church across the street."

The devil in him made him do it. That's all I'm going to say about it but feel free to comment.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Weeks, III Is In For Trouble

The members are turning on Weeks and it looks like he is having some other trouble. Looks to me like he should have cherished the woman God gave him. Sigh...

Mike, Don't Give 'Em a Dime

The hand writing is on the wall. The Falcons are going to cut Vick loose but before they do, they want him to give them $22 Million Dollars.

I would fight this tooth and nail if I were on Mike's legal team(like I need to be). Bump the Falcons. I'm not saying Vick doesn't deserve some punishment but I do believe that people have taken this way out of proportion. In the words of Peter Warrick, "It's not like [Vick] shot the president."

Is Vick's Daddy Crazy?

Michael Vick's daddy put him on blast in the Atlanta Journal Constitution this week. Apparently, he's upset because Mike and his mother have led people to believe that he grew up without a father. He also asked Mike for 1 million dollars over 12 years to "live comfortably" for the rest of his life. Excuse me? How many downs of football did his daddy play? For my own personal reasons, this mess ticks me off. Michael Boddie, (Vick'sfather), is also planning to write a book that will further damage his son's already tarnished reputation. What a jerk! As far as I'm concerned, Boddie is a low down dirty dog.

Strong Women are Targets for "Beat Downs"

Well, I'm sure you've already heard about this tragedy but in case you haven't, Prophetess Juanita Bynum was "savagely beaten" by her estranged husband, Pastor Thomas Weeks III. http:// Everyone seems shocked but I'm not. Nothing I hear about church folks shock me any more. I lived it. When I heard about this though, it simply solidified what I had already been feeling. Marriage may not be for me.

There are all kinds of rumors swirling as to why this happened and what could have sparked it. The first thing I said is "She was probably running her mouth." I know that sounds ugly but I didn't mean it that way. What I mean by that is she was probably asserting herself. Standing up for her self. When strong women do that, people say they run their mouths too much.

While I'm not shocked by what happened, I am saddened because it makes me feel that there is no hope for a woman like me. Been there done that and I am not subjecting myself to that mess again. I pray that all is well but this helps me to say I'm through.