I have a confession to make. As much as I detest the Gators I cried when they lost to Alabama. It was only for like half a second -- I promise. Please don't revoke my FSU alumni card. I couldn't help it. For a small moment, something in me identified with Tim Tebow -- it was his passion.
I approach everything I do with passion. It determines what kind of jobs I take. It determines who I CHOOSE to love. It dictates what direction I will take in any given situation. If I don't have a passion for something, if I don't have a burnng desire to work as though my life depends on what I'm doing, then I won't be doing it long.
If I am not committed to a person or a relationship, you will know because anything I commit to, I commit to it wholeheartedly. I don't know how to give half of myself to anything. Either I'm in it or I'm not. Anything else is a waste of time.
Passion is vital to one's success. Without it, you will never know what it is to be successful. Passion will make you stay up late and study.
Passion will make you fight for a marriage or a relationship that others tell you to walk away from.
Passion will make you stand by your wayward children.
Passion will make you pray for your enemies.
Passion made Jesus go to the cross and die for sins He didn't commit.
Passion will make you play hard and leave it all on the field.
I don't understand why but it was always Tebow's dream to play football for the University of Florida. And when he got the opportunity to do just that, he didn't approach it like some others often do. He didn't have a sense of entitlement. He didn't behave as though the University owed him something. No. He played as though he owed the University something. He sacrificed his time, his talent and even put his body at risk just to gain a few more inches so that he could get his team closer to the goal line.
Tebow always played with passion. Yet on the night of December 5, 2009, despite how devoted he was to his team and to Gator Nation, and despite his desire to lead them to victory, he failed -- miserably. I understood his pain.
I know what it's like to love and lose.
Iknow what it's ike to give my all and come up with nothing.
I know how it feels to fight so hard and still suffer defeat.
That is a pain that is indescribable.
But passionless people don't get it. They laughed at Tebow. They ridiculed him. They posted pictures of him on Facebook making fun of him. (Though even Gator nation must admit that the "CRYING" Tebow pic is funny!).
Show me a person who lives life without passion and I will show you a person who is doomed to a life of mediocrity. They will never be great. They will always be average. Average makes me itch.
Passionless people won't work hard for anything because they don't care about anything.
Passionless people can't sustain relationships because they won't invest themselves into them.
They will never live life to the fullest because they would rather sit on the sidelines where it's safe. They won't have to take a hit and no one will blame them for any failures.
Not caring about anything or anyone is a defense mechanism. If you don't care about anything then you can't get hurt if things don't work out. The problem with that mindset is that you won't take a risk for something or someone you don't care about. No risks, no returns. That kind of life is BORING!
Tebow still gets on my nerves though. Mostly because he didn't go to FSU, but also because I think he's one of the most overrated quarterbacks in the history of college football. He doesn't have the strongest arm in the world and he's not that accurate of a passer. The absence of Percy Harvin revealed who the real star of that team was. But there was something special about ol' Timmy. He had two things going for him. He had passion and the favor of God is on his life.
Favor is what made him a star before he ever played a down for the University of Florida.
Favor is what gave him the opportunity to win the Heisman Award even though he really isn't all that.
Favor is what allowed him to play for and win two National Championships back to back. (Though Chris Leak had a lot to do with the first one...Gators ought to be ashamed of themselves for how they treated Chris. Make me sick....but I digress.)
Favor is what makes people love Tebow while others hate him because favor ain't fair!
Oh, Timmy! It's okay to cry. Even with that horrible defeat you suffered at the hands of Alabama (and boy was it bad...lolllll), you still accomplished more than your critics. I don't think you'll be that successful in the NFL but you will be successful at something. Keep living your life with passion. Your passion, your prayers, and your love for God will take you further than you have ever imagined.
For the rest of you, if you aren't passionate about something you need to ask God to give you something to be passionate about. A life without passion is a life that isn't worth living.
Til next time, may the Lord God bless you real good!
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