Monday, September 9, 2013

BREAKING NEWS:George “Dough Boy" Zimmerman in custody after threatening his wife with a gun!

George Zimmerman was taken into custody today after police said he threatened his wife and her father with a gun.  I guess they looked “suspicious.”
What an idiot.  But I told y’all that God will have the final say.  For Georgie Porgie, the worst is yet to come.


Anonymous said...

What an assssa.

Qzmenes said...

The lord said "vengeance is mine"

Unknown said...

He sure will have the last say and right now God is just letting dough boy know its abput to go down.

Sista Shay said...

Amen to everybody.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

So true

Anonymous said...

I know god had it in the palm of his hand

Chlarissa Lynn said...

Well this is just the beginning

Unknown said...

Finally I am so happy that happens

Anonymous said...

I guess he thought he was invincible since he got away with murder.

Cynthia March

Unknown said...

Hmm whats his excuse this time now the victim can tell the story

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there will be a conviction behind this

Unknown said...

But GOD!

Unknown said...

But GOD!

Anonymous said...

Only GOD knows

Anonymous said...

hallelujah (karma)

Anonymous said...

How about what's going on in Syria..

Anonymous said...

God worked it out when he thought it was over...

Anonymous said...

He can run but he cant hide from God's justice, his date is already on the calendar. It is just a matter of wait a little. God is fair.

Anonymous said...

She'll drop the charges... once again they both jus want attention

Unknown said...

Well there goes his right to own a gun. Once you have a domestic dispute on your record thats it.

Unknown said...

Well there goes his right to own a gun. Once you have a domestic dispute on your record thats it.

Unknown said...

Well there goes his right to own a gun. Once you have a domestic dispute on your record thats it.

Anonymous said...

Charles I believe the phrase is ..."Vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord!!!!!

Anonymous said...

but didn't they all take the stand nd say he wuzz such a caring person nd he would never hurt a fly

Anonymous said...

That's not our business and we should stay out of it.

As far as Zimmerman, glad he's going to get what he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I agree with u

Anonymous said...

The WHOLE asssssa!

Unknown said...

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, his last case seemed pretty open and shut,too! After all, he's still in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Jail is the place he needs 2 be.....His wife is next....he all ready shot and innocence child....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If this man got away with the most violent crime against another human being this aint nothing hes going to get a fine and probation watch n see

Anonymous said...

Let me guess... It was self defense.

Sista Shay said...

Y'all are so funny! Thanks for the comments. Hilarious! As someone said, Shellie has decided not to press charges. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

So much going on in this world why must we have to read silly stuff. Pay attention people .. don't even give him your time of day...

Anonymous said...

your horror is just beginning, u took a life and lied. everything u get will not be enough. U will pay one way r another, and GOD will see to that!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden ppl know your race behind a few words smh...I'm glad Zimmerman is doing these things, karma is a mf huh!!! It's just a matter of time before he cracks. I just pray its not an innocent person he takes his anger out on AGAIN!!!!

Unknown said...

God will always Love each and every one of us, and yes that includes GZ. Moreover, God NEVER seeks vengeance for our wrongs and we all are sinners... The only fact here is that George Zimmerman is doing all this damage to himself. It will be on judgment day when he and we will have to account for our life here on Earth…

Anonymous said...

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