Today, the Honorable Judge Nikki Clark, Circuit Judge in the Second Judicial Circuit here in Tallahassee, Florida, spoke to a group of students at the FSU College of Law. She was dynamic! She was articulate, poised, personable, confident and she was practical. She gave us all some very practical advice. I want to share some of that advice with you.
First, she told us all to be the best lawyers we could be. She told us to represent our profession well. Preparation, she said, was key. So many attorneys go into court unprepared, barely knowing their case, don't know the rules of evidence...
She said some other things but the main thing that stuck with me is that she encouraged us to carry ourselves in the spirit of excellence. That advice can be applied to any area of life. No matter what you set your hand to do, you should always walk in the spirit of excellence.
Now, that I am writing this post, I wish I had taken notes because she said so many good things.
Thank you, Judge Clark, for your wisdom and your time.
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