I am so sick of Aretha Franklin's whining, complaining, twelve sandwich eatin' behind. Apparently, she's ticked off because Beyonce introduced Tina Turner as the Queen during their Grammy performance together.
Clearly offended, Aretha Franklin says in a statement, "I am not sure of whose toes I may have stepped on or whose ego I may have bruised between the Grammy writers and Beyoncé, however I dismissed it as a cheap shot for controversy. In addition to that, I thank the Grammys and the voting academy for my 20th Grammy and love to Beyoncé anyway."
This isn't the first time that Aretha has displayed her stankitudeness. In an interview with Sister 2 Sister Magazine, she showed her behind then. The interviewer asked her if she was doing a song with Fantasia. She replied, "Fantasia is doing a song with me. She hasn't been around long enough for me to do a song with her." Heffa, please!
Note, to Re Re Franklin: If you want others to give you R-E-S-P-E-C-T, how 'bout giving R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Stop acting like a pissy little baby all the durn time and enjoy the life God blessed you with. Stop trying to throw salt in other people's game and encourage the young artists who are coming out now just like somebody had to encourage you. I'm sick of you...yeah I said it.
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