Social commentary on Religion, Sports, Entertainment, Education, Politics and the Law
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Say That!
Hilarious! LOLLLLL!
Monday, October 29, 2007
BAW: Commentary: With All The Reasons Teens Have for Abstaining from Sex, Possible Prison Shouldn’t Be Among Them
Black radio hosts call for national economic boycott |
My response:
Ummm...I got to go Starbucks EVERY morning. Is there another way to show I'm down for the cause?
No, I'm kidding...kinda. Ya'll know that Starbucks coffee be calling you like crack was calling Pooky in New Jack City.
Anyway, I understand the premise for the boycott. I just don't think it's going to do a whole lot of good. What difference does it make if we wait to spend money one more day. Either way the money will be spent. I think something else needs to be done. At least he's trying to do something though.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Genarlow is free!

The majority opinion said the sentence appeared to be "grossly disproportionate" to the teenager's crime and noted that it was out of step with current law.
Wilson was expected to be released Friday afternoon from Al Burruss Correctional Training Facility in Monroe County, where he has been held since late 2005, according to his lawyer.
Wilson was convicted in April 2005 of aggravated child molestation for having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl at a 2003 New Year's Eve party in a hotel room. He was 17 at the time.
My response:
I cried like a baby when I saw this headline. I'm still crying. God does answer prayer. Now, before you ultra conservatives get all indignant, consider this. I am in no way saying that Genarlow should have been doing what he did that night. What I am saying is that he should not have had to serve a ten year prison sentence for it.
All kinds of questions are running through my mind. Like, why is a fifteen year old girl in a hotel room anyway? Where were her parents?
Anyway, I'm so happy for Wilson and his family. The question I have for him is "What will you do with your freedom?"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sag in Louisiana...I dare you!
Protestor painted in 'blood' accosts Condoleezza Rice

Desiree Farooz accosted Rice ahead of her appearance at a House of Representatives hearing on US foreign policy, waving her hands just centimeters (inches) from the diplomat's face inside the committee meeting room as television cameras captured the confrontation. '
The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands,' Farooz shouted, before police wrestled her away. Several other people, members of the anti-war activist group Code Pink, were subsequently ejected from the room. "
My response:
This is what Angela Whittier says about it:
"Look at the picture, right? Condi does not look the least bit uncomfortable by this. Actually she looks like she's saying 'You must not know 'bout me. Bring it, B*%#^.'
I'm not a Condi fan but I have to give her props for looking the woman straight in the eye and not even blinking."
Florida NAACP conducting investigation
Hart is leaving FSU
"Mutually acceptable and amicable separation?"
Um huh...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Booker Rising --On the McClurkin controversy
"My response: I didn't know Mr. McClurkin was a reverend, nor that he calls himself an ex-gay (although I'm not surprised about his gay history, because he always struck me as 'sweet'). Let's talk numbers. Gays are, at best, 2% of the total electorate. Blacks are 12% of the total electorate. While there are certainly people who are both gay and black, it is white gays by far who are leading the charge against this gospel tour. Sen. Obama losing the gay vote is politically irrelevant. However, Sen. Obama is in a big battle with Sen. Clinton for the black vote, which comprises the majority of the Democratic primary electorate in the state of South Carolina. This gospel tour - and the criticisms of it by (overwhelmingly white) gay activists - may actually help Sen. Obama with black voters, because he may rightly or wrongly be seen in some black quarters as defending black culture from gay folks."
My response to her response:
She said it much better than I could have.
BAW: HL. Joyner passes at 89

"Known for his dry wit and gentle ways, ‘Pops’, as he was affectionately called by family and friends, graduated from Florida A&M College with B.S. in Chemistry. While at Florida A&M, Joyner pledged with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and became an avid golfer. In later years, ‘The Herc’ Golf Tournament was named after him.
After he enrolled in the program to become a Tuskegee Airman, he decided to switch from a military career and instead became an accountant, later spending much of his career working for the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Tuskegee.
Joyner was the only child of Dr. Oscar Albert and Ruth Griffin Joyner, and married the late Frances Dumas, a graduate of Tennessee State University.
To share his passion for black colleges, Joyner was an active member of the Tom Joyner Foundation, created by his son in 1998 with the sole mission to help keep students enrolled in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)."
In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made on H.L. Joyner’s behalf to the Tom Joyner Foundation, P.O Box 630495, Irving, TX 75063.
I am so sorry for your loss, Tom. Our prayers are with you. May God give you strength in this difficult time.
Police Officer 'Shocked' Over Criticism
"In the television interview, Purtee said she stood by her remarks, though maybe she could have softened them.
"You try to do something you think is good for America, and you try to warn people that you're taken advantage of by the media, and then someone turns around and they go to the lowest level and try to say you're a racist," Purtee said. "It was a shock, it never entered our minds."
My response.
She is stupid and her sister is too.
Obama urged to drop Donnie McClurkin from tour
"In a statement, Obama said he believes gays and lesbians are "our brothers and sisters" and should be afforded the same respect, dignity and rights granted all other citizens.
"I have consistently spoken directly to African-American religious leaders about the need to overcome the homophobia that persists in some parts our community so that we can confront issues like HIV/AIDS and broaden the reach of equal rights in this country," Obama said. "I strongly believe that African Americans and the LGBT community must stand together in the fight for equal rights. And so I strongly disagree with Reverend McClurkin's views and will continue to fight for these rights as president of the United States to ensure that America is a country that spreads tolerance instead of division."
The statement did not say whether McClurkin will still perform on the tour.
My response:
If Obama caves to these demands, he is through. He's already viewed as too liberal by some people. This will be the nail in the coffin.
This is another reason why I left the Democratic party. While I disagree with homosexuality, I do not believe in discriminating against gays and lesbians. That, however, does not mean that I have to buy into your agenda. Live your life any way you want to. I don't have to approve of it, I don't have to like it, I don't have to support it and I have a right to say so.
Protestors will march on Tuesday
My response:
I'm not going to say what I want to say but I will say this. Some of these so called Civil Rights organizations are nothing more than publicity seekers. When the cameras are off, so are they. I'll be with the marchers in spirit.
Comments on the ridiculous benching of Xavier Lee
"I knew it!!! When I left the stadium Saturday I knew they were going to pull X. It's really hard not to view this in another light, when you look at the QB history. Drew is nothing but an upgrade of Chris Rix! They gave Drew two seasons to make mistakes... but X only gets a few games, that's a bunch of crap. You can not blame this all on X, our defense should still be running stadiums right now. Now Drew is going to come in Saturday looking like the answer, when we all know he is not. I agree with 'gusigoo'... Carr looks like he's just going through the motions. If you don't want to play sit on the bench. We need him and Cody to step up and catch the dang ball 150% of the time. X... keep your head up! All things work for the good of those... (you know the rest)." -- nolechic4life
"You have got to be kidding? Putting in Drew, when he has already proven that he cannot handle the job is crazy!!! Xavier needs as many chances as Drew had. I admit things could have been better on Saturday, but putting Drew back in for this Saturday, we might as well all stay home..." -- ethermond
"Coach Bowden what is next? Who will step in for Drew, when he is inconsisten[t] which you know will happen...Will you admit that he is like you did with the X-man? So three games is all a QB should get now, to prove how he can help to the team? This was not the case for Rix or Drew in the beginning, oh I forgot this is not the real issue...." -- madmack59
The natives are restless in Tallahassee and the coaches are idiots.
Xavier...Please transfer
"Lee had four turnovers and skidded his final three passes into the grass in FSU's 37-29 loss to Miami on Saturday. FSU offensive coordinator Jimbo Fisher said there's no plan to get Lee work against the Blue Devils but insisted that the redshirt junior remains important to the team."
My response:
I really hate Florida State right now and I hope they know that recruits are watching and their parents are too. I wouldn't send my son to FSU right now for anything in the world.
Can the coaches bench themselves?
Xavier, keep your head up...and transfer.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
FSU needs to repent.

We lost today. To Miami. No further comment.
Flavor Flav is a fraud...and he's ugly

Ummm....Flav. NOBODY IS THERE FOR YOU BOO BOO. You can't rap. You're old. You're not handsome..shoot, you just ugly. And I wouldn't even say anything about you if you were not playing with people's hearts.
According to Deelishis, Flav is already engaged to the mother of his 7th child. The woman approached her at the party after that ridiculous roast and allegedly said, "I want you to know I read Sister 2 Sister magazine and I'm not a one night stand...I'm Flav's fiancee and we're going to be married."
The lady went on to tell Deelishis that she and Flav had been together for years and Deelishis would never have him.
Well, good. I don't know why she or any of them even wanted him.
Deelishis said that since she met Flav's 7th baby mama that she realizes that she saw her walking around on the set of the show. She thought the lady was a part of the production crew. The entire show was a lie.
Surprise. Surprise.
If you need a reason to go see "Why Did I Get Married"....

And check out his crackspa--- I mean Myspace page too.
Senseless sexiness. Shaking my head while a single tear falls....LOLOL. Jesus.
Commentary: Why is the GOP scared of black voters? -

I liked this one too. Roland Martin is a genius as far as I'm concerned.
Obama has to wake up says Roland Martin

According to the CNN poll, Clinton leads Obama among black registered Democrats, 57 percent to 33 percent. Black women are backing Clinton to the tune of 68 percent compared with 25 percent for Obama. Black men favor Obama 46 percent to 42 percent for Clinton. The poll has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 6.5 percent.
On multiple occasions when I've interviewed him, Obama has reassured folks that his track record speaks for itself. He says with Clinton being on the national stage for 15 years, she has longevity. But he said he's confident black voters will come around the more they know about what he has done. That's nice and sounds good, but what the Obama campaign has clearly refused to recognize is that black voters are emotional, and you must speak to their core in order to reach them.
Obama has at times spoken passionately about issues blacks care about -- the war, education, civil rights, social justice issues -- but all too often he has avoided engaging in a way that touches the consciousness of black voters. Voters have told me that he's sometimes sterile and not offering the kind of passion they desire.
But there are other reasons why black voters have been ambivalent about an Obama candidacy, and it's clearly having an affect on him being able to build momentum to challenge Clinton.
Read the rest of the commentary by clicking the link. It's a good read and I really like Roland Martin.
T.I. wants out of jail

Friday, October 19, 2007
Martinez steps down
'It was my goal as general chairman to lead the party as it established the structure and raised the resources necessary to support our presidential candidate and ensure Republican victories next November,' he said in a statement today. 'I believe we have accomplished those goals.
My response:
Um huh. Mel stepped down because the Republicans are about to get the snot beat out of them in the Presidential election and he doesn't want to take the heat. I don't blame him.
The Republican candidates are absolutely horrible. And some of you will disagree with this statement, but I'd vote for Bush again over any of the current frontrunners. That being said, I like Obama, but I think Hillary is going to take it. Speak on it.
Say That!

— Janice Rogers Brown, federal judge and conservative Republican"
Say That!
'Race row' Nobel winner suspended

The museum said Watson's words had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate.
UpdateFlorida: Black children more likely to be punished in school comment for now. I may say something I don't need to say right now.
Wachovia Bank sues Vick over business loan |
Wachovia Bank sues Vick over business loan "Wachovia Bank has filed a federal lawsuit alleging that Falcons quarterback Michael Vick has defaulted on a $1.3 million loan for a wine store. According to the suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta on Oct. 2, the bank loaned Vick, partner Gerald Frank Jenkins and Atlantic Wine & Package LLC the money on May 23, 2006, and that a default exists 'when a material adverse change has occurred in the business or prospects of Defendant Vick, financial or otherwise, as determined bythe bank in its sole discretion.'"
The Falcons want to get $20 million from him. His daddy want a million. Now Wachovia wants $1.3 mil. Okay. Good luck with that.
Mike, I still say that everything is going to be all right. Not everybody is against you. some of us don't give a damn about those dogs. We are more concerned with people. Don't do this mess again, though.
Harrington is back on the bench...dang

Poor Joey. Bless he little heart. I feel for him and I honestly don't think Byron Leftwich big, slow behind will do any better. I was so glad when the Jaguars let him go that I became a fan again. Falcons, get it together before I get to the ATL.
BAW: Party Invite Creates Furor, Dialogue on Color Divide
How black women are viewed -- and treat each other -- depending on the hue of their skin, eye color, and the length and grade of their hair has long been a point of contention for many in the black community.
Many women with lighter skin frequently are accused of believing they are better than those with darker complexions. Many women with brown or dark-brown complexions complain that they too often are not treated as well socially or professionally as those with fairer skin.
"I think they get to slide in a little easier," Toney, who is pursuing a master's degree in counseling, said of women with lighter skin. "They are assumed to be passive and nice and sweet. I feel I have to do a little bit more. Number one, I'm black. Number two, I'm dark and I have short hair."
Thursday, October 18, 2007 Metro: Story: 2 children saved from blaze at apartment

Confederate flag controversy
My response:
Um huh...
No, seriously. I don't give a rip about that stupid flag. White people have a right to fly their flag as much as we have a right to fly ours. As a people, we have far more important things to concern ourselves with. Let's focus on the fact that our children still score lower than white kids on standardized tests . Let's focus on the fact that black women, myself included, are carrying the load and we're tired. Let's focus on eliminating black on black crime, or better yet, crime period. "F" that flag.
The feds met with the Student Coalition for Justice.
T.I. adds high-profile lawyers to defense team
I need to hurry up and take the bar. I'm comin' T.I.!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Duval County School Superintendent Is Out of There
My response:
I don't know enough about the situation to make an intelligent, informed comment so I'll leave it alone. But I will say this. I have a special disdain for the Duval County School system as a whole. I personally think they are all a bunch of idiots so who knows what the real situation is. It is this school system and others like them that led me to make the decision to become a Republican.
Xavier knows what HE did wrong...please
My response:
So it was all on Xavier, huh? It wasn't on O-line? It wasn't on the stupid penalties? It wasn't on the coaching staff for taking him out of the game at a time when we could have and should have scored. I ain't studdin' FSU. They make me sick right now.
Bills, Bills, Bills
I hear this song playing in my head. "Can you pay my bills, can you pay my telephone bill, do you pay my authomobile if you do then maybe we can chill...I don't think you do, sooooooooo you and me are do do do doo doo"
Help 'em Lord.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Say That!

I must confess, my faith is shaken
I am sick. Sick, sick, sick of religious people. They are mean, judgmental, self righteous hypocrites and I'm telling you I don't believe in church anymore.
But I do believe in God. Why?
As a little girl, I attended a small sanctified church. They used to sing this song:
Well, let me tell you he's real....real....Jesus is real to me.
Oh yes, He gives me the victory
You can't make me doubt Him
I know too much about Him
That is why I love him so
He's so real to me
He's made Himself real to me. He kept me when I thought I was losing my mind. I went through life feeling unloved and unloveable. He's made ways and opened doors. He blessed in the face of my enemies. He's answered my prayers and some He didn't. It all turned out to be a blessing My daughter almost died...Doctors said she wouldn't live through the night but she's still alive and gettin' on my nerves.
Lawd, I feel like preaching. ( I used to pastor a church by the way).
That's why I don't argue with folks about God. He can't be explained. He has to be experienced.
Sadly, these days, the last place I go to experience God is church. But no matter how turned off I am to religion, I still seek relationship with God. My faith in church folks is shaken, but not my faith in God.
So I want to encourage all those who read this post. In the face of all the mess that we see and hear every day, losing faith is understandable. Just don't lose your faith in God.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Let the Hater's Hate On
"Married" is No. 1 movie at the box office. According to AccessAtlanta: "More than just Atlantans dig a Tyler Perry movie. His latest relationship comedy “Why Did I Get Married?” finished No. 1 at the box office in North America over the weekend, amassing an estimated $21.5 million, according to"
Do your thang, Tyler Perry. The movie was awesome! Receive the love. Ignore the hate.
Say That!
- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, conservative Republican, in his memoir My Grandfather's Son
For black women Clinton-Obama poses a quandary: Times Argus Online
My response:
Are you serious? Are there really people who still think like that? My intention was to take this post in a completely different direction, but I had to comment. I'm not going to get into a theological debate but I'll say this. People need to get an understanding of the Bible and the God of the Bible. This kind of stuff makes me sick.
What's Really Happening?

Sunday, October 14, 2007
What You Know About 'Dat
My response:
I like Clifford. I really do, but honestly, it was just a matter of time and it's sad because I look at him and I listen to him and the boy has a gift. He just doesn't know how to use it. Dang. I'm looking for something to happen to David Banner next.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wise angers board with call for member's ouster

My response:
I reserve comment at this time but the letter is below.
Ms. Brenda Priestly Jackson
5089 Andrew Robinson Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Dear Ms. Priestly Jackson:
I write this letter with profound sadness, and with deep regret. In recent months, you have exhibited behaviors that have been both divisive and destructive, and your actions have substantively eroded the community confidence in the School Board and in this district. What troubles me more, however, is the impact your conduct has had on our ability to meet the needs of our children; your behaviors have begun to demonstrate a contempt for the rules by which we live, and for the taxpayers who support the work we do.
I thought long and hard before writing this, but last evening I received information thatndependent of your behaviors in recent monthseaves me as secretary to the Board no alternative but to request your resignation from the Duval County School Board.
I have received data evidencing that you do not reside within the nominating district within which you have claimed to reside.[1] It appears you have not resided there in some timepparently even before your last election. Under FL Statute 1001.38, your resignation is required for this statutory violation alone.
But this statutory violation is not an isolated issue. Nor is it the sole basis of the request for your resignation. In the period I have been superintendent, I have attempted to accommodate aberrant behaviors in an effort to prevent disruption affecting our students and teachers, and to ensure a stability I felt was crucial if we were to achieve genuine reform in this District to benefit kids. I realize now that this accommodation was a mistake. In sum, here are some of the additional reasons I am compelled to request your resignation from the Duval County School Board:
1. You have attempted to use your position to influence the placement of your husband, an employee of the district, into a position of higher pay and apparent status for which he was not best qualified. You subsequently persisted in repeated reprisals following my refusal to honor your wishes relating to the employment of your husband; this conduct continues, and includes inexplicable false assertions that I am a racist, claims that I have targeted your husband for retribution because of your statements directed at me personally, and assertions that I have engaged in some sort of impropriety by remaining on the boards of nonprofit organizations.
2. You attempted to use your position to circumvent the school choice/magnet program by directing staffnd then meo place two of your children in magnet schools for which there are extensive wait lists, and for which you had failed in any manner to comply with rules governing placement. You stated that you were exercising your oard member prerogative. When it was explained to you that what you soughtolely because of your position and status as a Board memberould not be equitably provided, you alleged members of the District senior staff had been shown the favoritism you were seeking. Inexplicably, when an investigation of your allegation was initiated, you expressly and in writing refused to cooperate. This defiance on the matter was troubling, and telling.
3. You continue to refuse to reimburse the school district for taxpayer funds you expended to subsidize your family vacation. On June 20, 2007, you elected to drive rather than fly to attend a School Board-related function in New York City; you acknowledge you took your family and billed the school district for two hotel rooms a night in Florence, South Carolina and a suite in Piscataway, New Jersey. Despite the Office of General Counsel letter to you of July 31, 2007, explaining the requirement that you reimburse the school district, you have to date refused to provide the reimbursement.
I can provide additional examples of these aberrant behaviors if you sense providing more would in any manner assist you.
When you and fellow Board members voted unanimously to hire me, we discussed how we as a team would work together: targets would be set, and the Board would hold me accountable for ultimately reaching those targets. I was led to believe that you trusted my judgment, and that the primary reason you hired me was to exercise that judgment. Since my refusal to yield to your personal wishes shortly after arriving here, I have been obligated to sustain repeated and inexplicable behaviors on your part; behaviors, I must now acknowledge, that are radically interfering with my obligation to do the work I have been retained to do for the children and employees of this District.
As in every contract, there is an implied duty imposed upon each party to act in good faith. Brenda, regrettably, we have reached a point where I can no longer remain silent about your breach of that duty. Your behaviors, initially disturbing and distracting, are now something more: they are destructive. And they can no longer be ignored if the work, necessary to make a difference in our kidslives, is to get done. Respectfully, I submit this letter as a formal request for your resignation from the Duval County School Board; it is necessary if we are to restore Board and employeesfocus on meeting our studentsneeds.
Joseph Wise
plezWorld: Clarence Thomas - The Bitter Justice

Once again, I am borrowing from plezWorld because I echo his feelings.
I also want to take this opportunity to apologize to Uncle ClarenceThomas because I was one of the ones who protested his confirmation. At the time I was President of the FSU Chapter of the NAACP. I was interviewed on CNN and I vehemently denounced Clarence Thomas. I did what they told me to do. I believed the people who said they had Black America's interest at heart. I was wrong.
This is why I stress to black people all the time to think for themselves. Don't hop on a bandwagon just because some so called black leader tells you to.
Once again, Uncle Clarence. I apologize. This time, the Uncle before your name is used affectionately.
BAW: After Subpoena, Columbia Turns Over Security Tapes

Mychal Bell of the `Jena 6' Back in Jail |
Where are the Great African American Authors
Her first book, Video Vixen, became a bestseller and her second book, The Vixen Diaries, is gathering even more press. She even made it to the modern day pinnacle of author success; she was on Oprah. Are we so used to salacious gossip that it has become literature? Do we want these types of books to represent the model of a bestselling black author?
Karrine Steffans represents the reality for many black authors in today’s publishing industry. There are few great examples of African American literary authors on bookstore shelves. Most chain bookstores are filled with books by black authors who write tales of lust, sex, drugs and more sex.
Steffans’s books started a new genre of books, the Hip Hop Tattle Tell. Since the debut of her first book, many have followed her recipe for book selling success. Carmen Bryan’s It’s no Secret told her story of becoming a hip-hop baby mama. Tarsha Jones’s Meet Ms. Jones tells of her sexual conquests of rap stars, being a DJ is the side story. Even Terry McMillan’s ex-husband Jonathan Plummer has made his debut as an author. His book, Balancing Act, is a thinly veiled fiction version of his very public divorce from McMillan. No doubt ghostwriters are writing most of these books. It is hard to learn sentence structure and cohesion between all the bed hopping and chasing celebrities.
Note to all struggling black authors trying to get a publishing deal: Forget sending out queries and taking creative writing workshops, just go sleep with a few black celebrities and remember to take good notes."
My response:
She said it all. Nothing to add.
Federal authorities to review Anderson case
Click here for the story:
Friday, October 12, 2007
Jury takes 90 minutes to clear boot-camp defendants
An all-white jury found all defendants not guilty in the death of Martin Lee Anderson after 90 minutes of deliberations here today.
Anderson's mother, Gina Jones, stormed out the courtroom after the final verdict was read.
"I can't see my son no more, but everybody sees their family!" Jones shouted.
Six jurors cleared the seven former Bay County juvenile boot camp drill instructors and a camp nurse not responsible for the 14-year-old boy's death. They were seen on a video kicking, kneeing and punching the boy, but the defense proved he died from a benign blood disorder, sickle-cell trait, not by the guards' actions.
The case has been racially charged since five of the defendants were white, two black and one Asian.
"You kill a dog and go to jail, you kill a little black boy and nothing happens," said Ben Crump, attorney for Anderson's parents.
Jurors in the case were escorted out by sheriff deputies as they entered their vehicles, and were given escorts by deputies driving patrol cars.
A number of defense attorneys appeared on Court TV following the verdict, and Bay County Circuit Judge Michael Overstreet, who presided over the case, watched from a chair in the courtroom on a television, sometimes laughing at the commentary.
The three Hillsborough County prosecutors who tried the case left immediately after the verdict.
Defense attorneys were more than happy to give media interviews.
Hoot Crawford, who represented Henry McFadden Jr., said the prosecution's witnesses hurt their own case.
"Two experts having conflicting testimony," Crawford said. "Their witnesses killed them."
The prosecution had one medical examiner testify Anderson died from suffocation, while another disagreed and said the boy died from lack of oxygen.
My response:
This is bull! I am honestly in tears right now. I can't believe this.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Martin Lee Anderson's Father Removed From Court
Bay County Circuit Judge Michael Overstreet said he had warned he'd remove anyone who made noise during testimony, and after a sidebar requested by defense attorney Waylon Graham, he told four people in one row to leave and not come back.
"If you interrupt this trial during this court proceeding, I'm going to remove you," Overstreet said.
Of the four removed, one was Robert Anderson, Martin Lee Anderson's father.
"We hadn't said nothing," said Robert Anderson, in the parking lot of the boot camp where his son was the day before he died. "That's why I didn't want the trial in Bay County."
The Panama City teen died Jan. 6, the day after drill instructors at the camp punched, kneed and dragged him around the boot camp. Seven drill instructors and a camp nurse are charged with felony aggravated manslaughter of a child and face up to 30 years in prison if convicted.
The courtroom is mostly segregated by race and victim's or defendants' family. Five of the defendants are white, two are black and one is Asian. Anderson was black.
Last week during the testimony of Hillsborough County medical examiner Dr. Vernard Adams, who said Anderson died because drill instructors suffocated him, defendants' family and supporters let out a gasp, to which Overstreet gave a warning, but no one was removed.
On Tuesday Graham, attorney for former drill instructor Charles Helms Jr., told defendants' family and friends to wait for the other side to leave during a recess so there won't be any problems.
Graham said he had heard people on the side where the jury sits, and who mostly have ties to the victim, making noise during some testimony. Today he put someone to sit on that side and listen for noise.
During the testimony of former drill instructor Henry McFadden Jr., Graham interrupted and asked Overstreet for a sidebar with the attorneys after he had received a note.
"We've heard it for several days," said Graham, after an interview with Court TV. "We had people sitting there listening for it. . . .The problem is they're sitting next to the jury."
Asked if he was disturbed that Anderson's father was banned from the trial, Graham said, "I'm sorry about that, but you have to keep quiet in a trial."
Supporters of Robert Anderson said they were quiet before they were asked to leave and the reason was deeper than just making noise.
"The testimony was not in their favor so they needed a distraction," said Gerald Bryant, cousin of Robert Anderson. "It's called growing up black in Bay County."
Officer Sues Family of baby who Nearly Drowned
"In January, 1-year-old Joey Cosmillo wandered into the backyard and fell into the family pool. When his mother hauled him out, he wasn't breathing. Rescuers were able to bring him back to life, but he suffered severe brain damage and cannot walk, talk or even swallow.
Now, his family faces another burden: One of the rescuers, Casselberry police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn, is suing, alleging the family left a puddle of water on the floor that afternoon, causing her to slip and fall."
I'm just shaking my head...
Farewell, President Sliger. Thanks for the Memories

Lee's Priorities In The Right Place

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Teammate Responsible for the Set Up
Prosecutors won't charge Jacksonville University running back Rudell Small after teammate Cecil Coltrane admitted planting more than 20 grams of marijuana in Small's dorm room, authorities said Thursday.
Are you kidding me?
So Coltrane couldn't just work hard and go after the position with his talent? No, that's too much like right. But, at least this isn't as bad as the back up punter stabbing the starting punter for his position. It's still crazy though.
Click on the link (above) and read it for yourself.
Okay...that link is not working so click here.
Civil Rights Betrayed

According to Walter E. Williams, predominately black public schools are out of control.
Well, duh!
I'm not making fun of him, I'm simply pointing out that he is stating the very obvious.
"Much of what's seen today is a result of harebrained ideas and a tolerance for barbaric behavior. Kathleen Parker cited such an example in her May 16 syndicated column. The case concerned teacher Elizabeth Kandrac, who was routinely verbally abused by black students at Brentwood Middle School in North Charleston, S.C. A sample of the abusive language: white b----, white m-----f-----, white c---, white ho. Despite frequent complaints, school officials did nothing to stop the abuse. They told her this racially charged profanity was simply part of the students' culture, and if Kandrac couldn't handle the students' cursing, she was in the wrong school. Kandrac brought suit alleging a racially hostile work environment, and the school district settled out of court for $200,000.
People with such a tolerant mindset are in effect saying that blacks are not to be held to civilized standards of conduct and academic expectations that might be enforced for others. That's a disgusting and debilitating notion. I guarantee you that years ago, such nonsense would not have been tolerated, and a person making excuses for barbaric behavior by black students would have been considered a lunatic.
What has been allowed in predominantly black schools is nothing less than a betrayal of the struggle paid with blood, sweat and tears by previous generations to make possible the educational opportunities so long denied blacks that are being routinely squandered today. Blacks who lived through that struggle and are no longer with us wouldn't have believed such a betrayal possible.
There's enough blame to go around for each to have his share: students who are alien and hostile to the education process, parents who don't give a damn, and the education establishment and politicians who accommodate and excuse this tragedy of black education."
I could not agree more. Read the entire article here: https://http//
Powell on Affirmative Action

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Say It Ain't So, 'Saiah. Say It Ain't So!
No comment.
Teachers Place Noose Around Kindergartner's Neck
By: Jackie Jones,
"One veteran teacher has been suspended and the future of three first-year teachers at Grambling University’s laboratory school is in question as university officials investigate an incident in which a noose was placed around a kindergarten student’s neck as part of an impromptu lesson on racism.
According to the university, the teachers said the children in a combined kindergarten-first grade class at Alma J. Brown Elementary School on the Grambling campus were asking questions about the Jena Six case in Louisiana, in which six black high school students were accused of attacking a white classmate after a series of skirmishes that began after a group of white students hung nooses from a tree on the campus.
Grambling President Horace Judson told CNN Tuesday morning that the instructors decided on the spur of the moment that the case presented a “teachable moment” and at recess put together an impromptu lesson about “non-violent demonstrations to challenge racism” as part of a mock rally.
The incident took place on Sept. 20, the same day that thousands of protesters rallied in Jena to challenge the arrests on adult charges of the six black students."
Ummm...I don't know how I feel about this story so I reserve comment.
Commentary from Black America Web -- Mychal Bell Owes A Lot of People
Tonyaa Weathersbee,
I hope that Mychal Bell understands that just because a kindly black physician put up $45,000 for his bail doesn’t mean he’s debt-free.
He owes a lot of people. Himself included.
Unless you’ve been living in a cave with Bedouin sheepherders for the past three months, you know that Bell, 17, is one of the Jena Six. He and four other black teenagers were charged with attempted murder -- a charge that had them facing up to 20 years in prison -- for a schoolyard brawl in which they beat up a white teenager who, according to some reports, had taunted them racially.
The plight of Bell and his friends has become the flashpoint for what may evolve into a new civil rights movement; one that centers on equal justice as well as equal access. More than 20,000 protesters descended on Jena, La. last month to show their outrage over a punishment that clearly did not fit the crime -- the white teenager who was beaten up was treated and released from the hospital in time to attend a ring ceremony that night."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Lee is the Man

Gator Accused of Burglary
But this is sad. Based on what I read, it seems like the young man simply made a bad decision and tried to correct it. I hope everything turns out alright for him.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The "X Man" is the Best Man