Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Booker Rising --On the McClurkin controversy

Shay from Booker Rising: comments on the Donnie McClurkin/Obama controversy:

"My response: I didn't know Mr. McClurkin was a reverend, nor that he calls himself an ex-gay (although I'm not surprised about his gay history, because he always struck me as 'sweet'). Let's talk numbers. Gays are, at best, 2% of the total electorate. Blacks are 12% of the total electorate. While there are certainly people who are both gay and black, it is white gays by far who are leading the charge against this gospel tour. Sen. Obama losing the gay vote is politically irrelevant. However, Sen. Obama is in a big battle with Sen. Clinton for the black vote, which comprises the majority of the Democratic primary electorate in the state of South Carolina. This gospel tour - and the criticisms of it by (overwhelmingly white) gay activists - may actually help Sen. Obama with black voters, because he may rightly or wrongly be seen in some black quarters as defending black culture from gay folks."

My response to her response:

She said it much better than I could have.

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