This was a good weekend in college football as far as I'm concerned. USF beat West Virginia. Colorado knocked off Oklahoma. Unbelievable. Florida State beat Alabama and almost as important to me, Florida lost! Yayyyy!!!
Florida State won largely and mostly because of the performance of Xavier Lee, or as he is affectionately known, the "X Man." All I have to say about that is... "It's about daggum time." The only question I have is, "What the heck took so long?"
I don't know why X didn't get his chance sooner. Some say, of course, racism. Some say he couldn't read the play book. That sounds a little suspect to me. Some say he ticked somebody off on the coaching staff. I say, they better be glad he's not my son becuase he would have transferred by now.
Make no mistake about it. I am not a Florida State fan. I have not jumped on the Seminole bandwagon. I am Florida State Alumni. Fans change their minds every time the wind blows. I don't have that option. I stick through good and bad. I love Florida State but I'm telling you, some of the decisions they made ticked me off so if I were a fan, I would have dumped Florida State two years ago.
But after Saturday night, I'm glad I stuck around and I'm extremely optimistic. I have nothing against Drew Weatherford. I actually think he's a stand up guy, but it's time to give X a chance. I think he is our best chance to make it back to Jacksonville this year. http://tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071001/FSU03/710010331
Xavier is FSU's Savior.
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