Thursday, October 18, 2007

Confederate flag controversy

WCTV Page: "The Sons of Confederate Veterans say it has held monthly meetings at the Golden Corral for nearly two years. Members say they hang a small confederate flag as part of their meeting ceremony. 'There have been groups that have misused it. The Sons of Confederate Veterans, The United ___ of the Confederacy truly regret that. We wish that these other groups had never touched our flag,' said Bob Hurst with The Sons of Confederate Veterans. The group says the flag symbolizes southern heritage and it is their way of showing appreciation to their ancestors. Members say the people who said it was offensive used this as a way to get attention. "

My response:
Um huh...

No, seriously. I don't give a rip about that stupid flag. White people have a right to fly their flag as much as we have a right to fly ours. As a people, we have far more important things to concern ourselves with. Let's focus on the fact that our children still score lower than white kids on standardized tests . Let's focus on the fact that black women, myself included, are carrying the load and we're tired. Let's focus on eliminating black on black crime, or better yet, crime period. "F" that flag.

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